Conference: Social and Ethical Frontiers in Space Exploration (Kiruna, Sweden, 23-24 September 2024)

A joint meeting of the European Astrobiology Institute and the Society for Social and Conceptual Issues in Astrobiology.

This meeting will bring scholars, students, politicians, journalists and other stakeholders together to discuss the ethical, political legal, societal and environmental aspects of space exploration.

Experts from every discipline interested in exploring the many complex social and ethical questions raised by space exploration and the search for life on other planets are invited to attend the first joint meeting of the two major groups devoted to this end.  We welcome submissions addressing any of the many “broader questions” in astrobiology and space exploration such as:

  •  Commercial activity in space
  •  Human colonization of other worlds
  •  The true nature of “life”’
  •  Emerging issues in space law
  •  Ethical questions regarding the search for extraterrestrial life and intelligence
  •  Balancing diverse cultural perspectives in space research
  •  Space Mining  and ownership of space “resources”
  •  First Contact protocols
  •  “Pollution” in the context of space
  •  Societal and religious implications of a possible discovery of extraterrestrial life
  •  Fictional portrayals of space

A limited number of bursaries for students and early career scholars (up to 8 years from their first Ph. D. in a related field) from US and EAI institutions (see a list here) will be available.  Those bursaries imply:

  • refund for the registration fee including lunches and coffee breaks
  • refund for accommodation in Malmfaelten Adult Learning Centre
  • refund for participation in the excursion

Please specify in your email if you want to apply for a bursary. (Membership in one of the Working Groups or Project Teams alone does NOT entitle you to the EAI participating institution fee).

Kiruna, located some 200 miles north of the arctic circle, is home to the Swedish Estrange Space Center and Rocket Range.  At this time of year, attendees should be able to see both splendid fall colors as well as the Northern Light. Please check the website

All information is found on the on the >>website<<